Monday, August 18, 2008

Almond Crusted Fish

I love fish and I use whatever I can find fresh in the market. There is this restaurant by my house that makes the best macadamia nut crusted Halibut I've ever had in my life with a side of baked mac n cheese. It is an expensive place to eat at and I rarely ever eat there for that reason, but oh so good. :)
I wanted to do a nut crusted fish, the best nut for your health and weight is Almonds. Most nuts are fattening but almonds are pretty good for you. So, I found an Almond Crusted fish recipe, I used Tilapia because that is the fresh fish in my market right now. I don't know the location of this recipe, but I did some research and it is very similar to this one. Just note I dipped it in egg instead of butter.

1 comment:

test it comm said...

Almond (or macadamia) crusted fish sounds good!