Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pumpkin Cookies

My little lady bug :)

I carved this pumpkin, not to bad eh.... :)

Recipe adapted from Joy The Baker.

Finding recipes that work out in my favor are always a treat, I'm so glad I came across these pumpkin cookies as I'm not much of a pumpkin fan to begin with but these worked out great. I will be making them again in the near future. I had told my mom all about them, so I think I'll be baking her up a batch soon.

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween, I took my little one out trick or treating for the first time and though she was shy to meet the people at the doors, she took the candy they handed to her without a problem. (She doesn't eat candy but she likes people to give her stuff.) Someone down the street from us had put together a haunted house that stirred up a big attraction, as we got word of it on the street. We took a drive by and a rather large crowd gathered at the residence to take part in it. I love people that get into the Holiday spirit those are my kind of people that I enjoy having company with.

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