Friday, April 24, 2009

Strawberry Shortcake With Sugar Lavender Glaze

click on the picture for a more bigger, clear view...

I made my first Old Fashion Strawberry shortcake, I know these have been around forever, but I tasted one for the first time just recently. The glaze recipe was something I wanted to add to this, so I made sugar water syrup with 3 TB of Lavender leaves once it got thick I used a sieve to discard the flowers and poured this into the strawberries for additional flavor. It came out so tasty. The shortcake itself reminded me of a scone. The left over shortcake will taste great in the morning with some Orange Marmalade inserted inside.... and with my ice cold chai...heaven...


test it comm said...

The strawberries and short cake looks so good! I can't wait for the local strawberries but it will still be another month or so here.

Anonymous said...

Looks sooo good. Very much like a Devon Cream Tea! mmmmmmm